Over the past century, public relations has grown and reformed in remarkable ways, and now the industry is faced with its next stage of development – that of adopting millennials. The largest generation on Earth has received criticism for their lack of focus, average work ethic and high-self esteem, however they have been the ones positioned to take responsibility over the changing field of public relations. Here are some distinctive characteristics of millennials that will undoubtedly shape the future of public relations.
1. They know all there is to know about the world wide web
Being the first generation to be raised by the internet, millennials exist in a world of continuous updates. Whether it’s something as simple as fixing a basic computer problem or navigating online social media platforms, millennials are entrenched in the online world. As the importance of digital marketing propagates, millennial employees are already seen as an invaluable asset within the public relations industry.
2. They like to find out stuff
With information readily at their fingertips, millennials are great askers of the question “why?”. Instead of simply accepting the status quo, they are agents of change whose innovative nature fuels dynamic campaigns. As the industry of public relations is consistently on the move, millennials who take initiative regarding the surrounding business climate are rewarded for their efforts.
3. They are great at adapting
The social, cultural and political changes of recent decades have influenced the world of public relations in such a way that millennials are in the habit of adapting to their environment. As a public relations employee, this provides them with a different perspective to those with more traditionalist mindsets, allowing them to move quickly with changes in the industry.
4. They are confident and they know it
Many millennials have been nurtured in propriety, adding a certain charm that can bring charisma to any workplace. As public relations is an industry rooted in human interaction, this characteristic helps in building client rapport, pitching stories or hosting events.
5. They are really, really connected
The internet is a place constantly abuzz with global affairs, and millennials are experts at navigating it. The modern business environment means emails and Skype calls have primarily replaced face-to-face meetings, and millennials have effortlessly become masters at digital communication. Platforms such as LinkedIn have created a space where online networking is a natural commodity, and millennials have wholeheartedly embraced this movement to communicate effectively with key stakeholders.
While many millennials have been positioned in a sceptical light, society’s youth possess many distinct characteristics that have potential to change the industry of public relations.
If you’re interested in learning more about how the field of public relations is developing, contact the team at Elevate today!
Sarah Moore, Elevate Intern