Eagle Boys is putting its full support behind the Dancing CEO’s event happening this Friday at the Brisbane City Hall, which is the biggest Queensland gala event this year.
As a part of its Happiness Fund initiative, Eagle Boys Fairfield is donating 30 pizzas on the night to feed the volunteers.
Dancing CEO’s, which started in 2014, is an initiative of Women’s Legal Service who provides free legal and welfare assistance to Queensland women and children affected by domestic violence. The event itself will see 12 CEO’s dance up a storm, raising funds and awareness for the important issue.
A Dancing CEO’s spokesperson, Jessica Lydiard, said she was delighted to hear Eagle Boys were throwing its support behind the cause, especially as the issue is so widespread.
“Domestic violence is something that, if it hasn’t affected you directly, it has affected someone you love,” Ms Lydiard said.
“A lot of the CEO’s are personally connected to the issue and have been working very hard to raise money. The fundraising total has already exceeded $117,000, which is absolutely incredible and already over $40,000 more than last year.”
Ms Lydiard said the goal of the night is not just raising funds, but to also raise awareness with members of the corporate, legal and government sector all coming together to support the event.
“All the money raised go towards funding the Women’s Legal Service helpline launched in January as a response to a 40% increase in calls for help.
“Last year, we were able to advise 3,200 women in Queensland but missed 16,000 calls from women reaching out for help due to capacity constraints. With the introduction of the helpline, we have been able to answer 700% more calls in the first three months.
“As funding for the program runs out in July, this event is really important.”
Ms Lydiard said the Dancing CEO’s event was created as a way to tackle the issue by engaging the community in a unique way.
“Domestic violence is a difficult issue to talk about and we want to bring it in an accessible area. This event is all about entertainment and everyone coming together to celebrate but also support an important cause,” Ms Lydiard said.
Eagle Boys CEO Nick Vincent said Dancing CEO’s is a great event for a great cause.
“Dancing CEO’s is an excellent event and we are glad to be helping out,” Mr Vincent said.
“The volunteers put so much hard work in to the event, so to make sure they’re well-fed and raring to go is the least Eagle Boys could do.”
Currently there are 781 guests attending with a brand new Hyundai among the major prizes to be won on the night. There will also be a photo booth and media wall to enjoy with the Broncos cheerleaders attending and Mad Dance House choreographing the performances.
For more information or to submit an application for a Happiness Fund donation, head to https://www.eagleboys.com.au/happinessfund
Tags: Dancing CEO's, Eagle Boys, Domestic Violence